Featured Property







Living Sqft


LOT Sqft

5215 West Victory Road, Nampa, ID, USA

Views in all directions! This little gem sits on 1 acre, has a great shop, and plenty of room for your toys and animals. Large garden area up front and plenty of room for parking. This great home sits just outside the bounds of Meridian’s city limits in Ada County. Enjoy pure country living only minutes from the interstate and 20 minutes from both Downtown Boise and The Village. The flat terrain and even dimensions provide unlimited options with tons of room for outbuildings, shops and storage. (Survey on file) While you build your dream home, you can live in the mobile that sits on property. Multiple options for septic/drainfields. Also listed as a building lot and Zoned RUT. Check the additional documents for details!

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School data provided by GreatSchools. School service boundaries are intended to be used as reference only. To verify enrollment eligibility for a property, please contact the school directly.